
Facebook App

Facebook Auction Marketing
leverage the power of facebook

Display auction listings right on your Facebook business page!

The AuctionAnything.com Facebook App delivers online auction items right to your organization’s Facebook page.

Online Auctions

Facebook "Auction List" Tab

Extend your marketing reach and get more visibility for your auction listings using the Facebook App. Once set-up, content is delivered automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

More Questions

Can customers bid right from Facebook?

The auction listing content provided on Facebook links directly to the associated auction site. Customers must register and bid on the website hosted by AuctionAnything.com.

What type of content is provided to Facebook?

The data feed listing options include Featured Items, Items Closing Soonest and Random Item List. The item image, title, category, bid and closing information is provided.

Who can use the Facebook App?

The AuctionAnything.com Facebook App is designed for clients of our hosted, online auction service. If you're interested in a hosted auction website let us know.